Back Pack School Age Children holding up Ready for Kindergarten, Ready for Life Learning Kits

Welcome to the Ready for Kindergarten, Ready for Life (R4KR4L) resource referral form!

By completing this form, you are providing consent for our Community Engagement Specialist from the North Lawndale Early Learning Collaboration to connect you with the appropriate resources and support.

To participate in this process, we will need to gather some information from you. The information is collected via online form. Once you provide information, a Community Engagement Specialist will input your information into the Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS) and the appropriate organization will reach out to you based on your needs.

What information is required?

Required items include your name, phone number, zip code, resources and services needed/ interested in, number of children in the household, and how you heard about the form. Please note that you only have to share as much as you are comfortable sharing, although service providers may request additional information later to determine eligibility for services.

Who will be able to see the information?

Your information will be visible to the Community Engagement Specialist from the North Lawndale Early Learning Collaboration and Illinois Action for Children. The information provided will be shared with service providers to connect your family to the resources and services interested. When information is shared beyond these groups, it will always be de-personalized (i.e. not containing any information that could be linked back to you) and aggregated (i.e. combined with others’ information).


By checking box below, I am indicating that I have read and understand the above. I am providing permission for my information to be shared in the capacity outlined above.

By checking box below, I am indicating that I have read and understand the above. I am providing permission for my information to be shared in the capacity outlined above.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Choose as many as apply to your needs