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North Lawndale Early Learning Collaboration Meeting
February 26 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
North Lawndale Early Learning Collaboration is dedicated to providing vital support for North Lawndale families with young children aged 0-8. The collaboration’s mission is to ensure seamless access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) programs and services. Join our in-person monthly meeting to
- Connect with families, share valuable community resources, and highlight upcoming events.
- Elevate visibility for North Lawndale’s ECEC programs and services through strategic marketing efforts.
- The Integrated Referral and Intake System (IRIS) is North Lawndale’s referral system for Early Childhood Education and Care, promoting a ‘no wrong door’ approach among collaboration partners.
- A platform for all ECEC programs to showcase services and bolster program enrollment.
- Engage and empower parent ambassadors to facilitate communication and share event information among fellow parents.